5 Simple Ways to Improve Engagement of Your Facebook Page


It takes more than a catchy name and cover photo to entice people in hitting that like button on your Facebook Page. If you aim to gather tons of likes, surely you need to come up with more creative ideas that would make people stop and take a closer look at your page. The question is, how?


If you’re getting kind of lost, yet you want to kick off you Facebook Campaign successfully; here are 5 Tips to Increase the Engagement of Your Facebook Page.

1. Be One of A Kind

This has been a very basic principle in almost every marketing strategy, and Facebook Marketing is no exception to that. The importance of uniqueness can’t be stressed enough, for it is only fairly new ideas that would surely captivate the attention of people.

Most of the time, conceptualizing would give you a headstart once pulled off. However, it really takes some serious brain storming in order to come up with a creative and one of a kind Facebook page.

2. Give Something Away As Soon As You Can

Followers won’t really stay long enough liking your fan page unless if they find it beneficial to them. It’s best to give away your resources back to them through informative posts. If these things become a subject of interest by your community, it will pretty much be shared by them; giving your page the opportunity to be exposed to other users which are not yet aware of your page.

3. Throw in a Contest

This is perhaps the most engaging way to make your fan page highly engaging. Aside from the fact that it ignites interaction between you and your page’s fans, but it can also give them incentives which would please them for liking your page even more.

4. Acknowledge Everyone That Likes Your Page

A simple act of appreciation could go a long way. Just by thanking people for liking your page could lead you a long way, in terms of establishing a good business relation with your target market / consumers.

5. Keep the Ball Rolling

A Fan page is a breeding ground for ideas and exchange of information. The process of communication plays a huge role in making a page more engaging. If you don’t keep up with your crowd and you don’t pour much effort into keeping your page alive, basically the interest of your fans would die along with it.

So if you want to succeed in establishing an online community where your brand or product is prominent, consistency should be your virtue; it’s the key to online success.

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