Guide To Twitter Marketing Strategy With Latest Tips

Twitter is one of the most popular social networking websites. This has widely been used for promoting your business, products and services. Here is a basic guide to help you catch up with the latest tools and updates for twitter marketing strategy:


Profile Setup

Maintaining a profile is the basic and the best technique for a successful presence on twitter. Your profile contains your username that you will be referred by and your name that people will be able to find you with.

These must describe you or your business. Other components like profile, header and background images should provide a proper description of your business, the link of which can be added to your bio.

Basic Lingo

Twitter only provides access to 140 characters to post a tweet. Therefore, you should be clear about terms and abbreviations that you can use to make your tweet worth following and sharing. Some of these terms are hashtags, hat tips, trends, retweet, mention, via and others.


The content that you are going to add to your tweet must be such that your followers are appealed to respond to. Think like a follower and add the content that you are interested to read. You can add questions, links, quotes or other media.

Audience Buildup

You should build up a healthy audience of followers for your twitter account. For this, you need to add a link to your twitter profile on other online places where you are active and recognized. You can add follow button on your website, retweet button on your tweets, your profile link in emails, other social profiles, on forums and in your posts.

Engagement with audience

Only creating a list of followers is not enough. You need to be active among your followers as an active low class twitter user is preferred more than an inactive high-class user. You can retweet their posts, respond to their comments and messages and engage with them in any manner possible.


For a better exposure and enhanced following, you can opt in advertising on twitter. There are 3 types of advertising tools available with twitter like to promote tweets, which includes your messages promoted across the website to reach up to a large audience.  Then there are promoted accounts that are showing up on the left bar on twitter and this helps gain a huge amount of followers.

After this, there are promoted trends that include the cost of having a branded hashtag over the trending topics that you wish to promote.


There are a lot of tools available with twitter that help you manage and analyze your Twitter activity and followers that are active with regard to your profile. Various helpful tools are followerwonk, which helps you find your target audience and hootsuite, which helps you manage your twitter and other SNS profiles.

Nestivity helps you provide a threading view to your tweets for easy and well managed discussion. Like these, more tools available can be used for building a better marketing strategy.


Any marketing strategy is incomplete without an analysis of the outcomes of the strategy. Therefore, you need to analyze the results of your strategy, for which you can use the Google Analytics tool, to make sure that you are on the right track to gain a valuable traffic.

By following above mentioned strategies, you will be able to make your business more visible to potential people than ever before.

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