Samsung Extended Battery Kit for Galaxy S3 : Review

Battery life for a Samsung Galaxy S3 android phone is around 12 hours. This is significantly brought down to 8 and half hours of continuous web browsing and downloading. Prolonged use of GPS normally deteriorates the battery life and causes excessive heating.


This can be prevented with the help of several hardware upgrades available in the market. One such hardware upgradation offered by Samsung is the Genuine Samsung Extended Battery Kit for Galaxy S3.

Samsung Extended Battery Kit for Galaxy S3


Genuine Samsung Extended Battery Kit package consists of a 3000 mAh original Samsung battery, a replacement back cover and a user manual. All are individually covered and well packed. The battery is placed inside a Samsung branded battery protection casing while the replacement back cover is wrapped inside a transparent plastic cover.

Samsung Galaxy S3 has a original battery with a 2100 mAh power. The new battery (weighs around 22 gm more) adds up an extended battery life of rating 3000 mAh, hence giving an extra 900 mAh boost to its life. The heavier battery life gives a 43% extra boost to do so much more than usual. Because of being a genuine Samsung brand product, the battery complies with all existing safety measures and standards.

Users can now open up to newer options and functionalities by making use of their extended battery life. They can now watch movies, listen to music, browse and play games for a much longer period than before.


Installation of battery is simple and the same as always. Open the back cover and remove the stock battery. After Plugging in the new 3000 mAh battery, user will realize that the old back cover won’t fit in anymore. The increase in battery life is accompanied with increase in width of the battery.

This is why a new, thicker protective back cover is provided along with the battery. The width difference between the new and the old arrangement is around 3.5 mm. This number is rather insignificant compared to the extra hours it buys for your Samsung s3. Also, no hindrance to the camera or flash is caused except for the only modification of burying them inside by a couple of millimeter.


The specially built protective back cover is strikingly similar to the original case along with the brand name- Samsung. So there is no need to be doubtful about its strength and durability. All it does is add more space for the new battery and prevent it from external scratches and scrapes.


  • Extended battery life gives a net increase in about 4 hours while carrying out the same set of operations.
  • The thicker protective back cover prevents the camera and flash from scratches.
  • New battery takes around 5 hours to charge completely when started from zero. This is comparatively same as to the 3 hours charging duration of original stock battery.
  • Currently, the protective back cover is available in several colours like Blue, White etc.


  • Takes almost 2 hours longer to charge but returns it with massive extension in battery life.
  • Furthermore, customers using the crystal case might need to buy a new case because the altered width of the phone will not make it possible to fit with the existing protection case.
  • An overall weight of 24 grams is added to the new set which doesn’t much affect the handling.

The Genuine Samsung s3 Extended Battery kit comes with a built in NFC (Near Field Communication) chip for a complete phone functionality. Users can fulfil all their NFC functions with its help.

The new feature lets Samsung s3 to use its NFC technology in order to run all Samsung Tags and other related apps such as Samsung TecTiles. Also, there is no alteration in the phone’s scanning performance.

Genuine Samsung Extended Battery Kit for Galaxy S3 – 3000mAh is available on MobileFun for $60 only.


I have personally used Samsung Extended Battery Kit for my Galaxy S3 and I am pretty satisfied with it’s performance. This Extended Battery Kit has given my phone a battery life of over 12 hours while streaming music, watching videos and using the GPS.


If you own a Samsung Galaxy S3 you should own one of these. Best benefit is that it only adds about 3mm to Galaxy S3 cover onto the width of the phone.

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