Monitor the Health and Heart Rate with Basis Band


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If you’re a gym goer and take a lot of care in your health, then the release of this year’s stylish little gadget the Basis Band will be ideal for you.

Designed like a digital watch that fits nicely on your wrist, the Basis Band is unlike other health monitors. This heart-rate monitor works without a strap that goes across the chest and is simply worn on the wrist, yet it still ensures you get an accurate reading whether you’re walking, biking or rowing.


The Basis Band also features plenty of other health detectors. A galvanic skin response sensor featured in the band measures your sweat levels, whilst an accelerometer shows you your heart rate and how this relates to your exercise lifestyle.

The device also gives you accurate insight into your sleeping patterns and captures things like how many calories you have burnt, all to give you better knowledge of how your body works which can help you improve your general health and well-being.

This band is not only clever, but it is also very stylish, comfortable and lightweight; perfect for wear every day to really give you accurate and fair results.

You can also customize the band to suit you and pick from a range of colours. For more information about the Basis Band check out gadget sites like or which have all the up to date news on the newest gadgets hitting the market.

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