The world is connected. This means that many modern careers will have you accessing international websites with your tablet, using 4G LTE connectivity on business tablets to communicate with international clients, paying attention to the technology market in London, Beijing, Hong Kong and Mumbai, watching the Brazilian news and learning the proper dress for a day in Rome.
It also means that you might occasionally be given the opportunity—or responsibility—of going abroad.
If you do get called to travel internationally, you’ll have to bring your tablet. What do you need to know while bringing your tablet outside of the U.S.?
There are two principal issues which you must address: connectivity and security. The two go hand in hand: When you cannot communicate with your employers, friends and family, your security is threatened. But they also have separate, yet equally important, functions.
Connectivity in the fast-paced business world is, to put it simply, a must. This doesn’t change when you go abroad; in fact, it becomes truer than ever. With 4G LTE service now becoming global—according to PC Mag, there will be 62 times as many global 4G subscribers in three years—4G LTE service is the way to go for international connectivity.
Research in Motion, which released its BlackBerry PlayBook 4G LTE in August, anticipated this trend. With the recent release of BlackBerry 10, users are now able to employ new features like BlackBerry Balance, which helps users navigate between work and personal life.

It’s not only for sending detailed reports back to your boss in a timely fashion or for buying an emergency train ticket to Lisbon for a particularly interesting conference. Being connected from locations around the globe allows you to communicate with friends and family from places around the world.
But it’s not all free and easy. Different nations have different Web security laws, and each country has its own set of skilled hackers.
If you’re going to travel abroad, be prepared by making sure your tablet is secure. There are very few ways to verify just how secure a certain line of tablets might be, and the stress and worry of dealing with a stolen identity is only compounded if your information was taken in London and not Los Angeles.
Even industry leaders like Samsung have experienced security problems, reports BGR. Tablet usage abroad is a gamble if you don’t take the necessary precautions.
Some tablets, however, are focusing on international coverage. Apple, for example, is planning on making 4G service available from 36 new international providers.
BlackBerry received security clearance for use by the government of the United Kingdom, making it the only CESG-approved mobile platform in the U.K., reports Luke Reimer at BlackBerry BizBlog.
Security is a concern for everyone. But if you stay connected and make educated decisions about your purchases, you can avoid problems. Take the necessary precaution: Buy the right tablet so you don’t need to worry.