How To Start With Twitter Business Account


Start With Twitter Business Account. If you’re trying to market your Twitter business online and haven’t signed up for a Twitter account, you’re missing out on some valuable publicity, as well as a way to interact with consumers. Of course, there are some things that you should do and a few practices you’ll want to avoid with your new Twitter Business account.


Signing Up

When you sign up for a Twitter business account, you’ll want to be recognizable. You should choose an username that represents your business. Preferably, this is your business name. However, if this isn’t possible, you might use your business name and an industry term or an acronym that stands for longer Twitter business names.

Next, you’ll have to choose an user image to represent your account. Experts recommend that you use your company logo. If your CEO or president is blogging from a personal account, then a headshot is appropriate. Remember that visitors can become confused if they don’t know who or what is behind a twitter account. Similarly, adding a short biography and a link back to your business website or blog helps to cement the fact that your Twitter account represents your business.


Sending messages with Twitter couldn’t be easier, and there are plenty of programs and apps that allow you to keep an eye on your social profile without ever logging in to the website itself. However, you don’t simply want to say everything that comes to mind. When crafting Tweets, remember the following:

  • Space out your posts, so you’re not bombarding your readers
  • Use a service like Twitterfeed to send your blog updates to your Twitter account
  • Re-post important messages, like blog updates, several times per day to achieve a wider audience
  • Don’t engage in chat speak or argue with your followers
  • Use Twitter as a tool to keep your visitors or customers in the loop during down time or other changes
  • Provide coupons of special content only to Twitter to encourage more followers
  • Post content from other, related sources and not just your own site

Track Your Success

If you want to track the success of links that you’ve posted to Twitter, you can do so with several means. Google Analytics, for example, allows you to track visits to your website, but you can also use it to create custom links for posting on Twitter to see how many conversations you get.

Alternatively, consider tools like HootSuite. You can post directly from this website to your Twitter account and use it to track the popularity of links you’ve posted. As you analyze this data, you might see times when posting is more effective and focus on those slots.

Interact with Others

Of course, Twitter exists for you to interact with others. Reply to your consumers, whether they have a complaint or mention your great service. Consumers love when they tweet to companies and those companies retweet their messages. While they may use Twitter as a medium to lodge a complaint, you can encourage your followers to move these discussions to a more appropriate forum, such as email.

Interaction doesn’t just start with others, however. You can use your Twitter business account as a means to start conversation by asking interesting questions. Use hashtags in your posts to promote visibility. Interaction provides value to your followers, and others will soon notice, too.

Developing Your Brand

Searching through Twitter trends and chatter will help find people to follow and relevant topics for you to join in on. As you continue to provide quality posts and interact with others and gain attention from Twitter users, your account will develop more authority.

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